Calls for Proposals
The "Emergence – New team" call for research proposals is intended to support, over a period of 3 years a young researcher (CR/DR Inserm or Cnrs or other French Institution), teacher in a French university (MCU/PU), clinician-scientist (MCU-PH/PU-PH), French or not, wishing to set up in France a new independent or autonomous group to develop an original clinical or fundamental research project on MS or associated disorders.
The call is open to scientists of any nationality who may reside in any country in the world at the time of application, but the project must be developed within a French research structure. The applicant must hold a permanent position in France (Inserm, Cnrs, university, Cea, Inra…).
The allocated budget will be 150 k € per year for 3 years.Before your online submission, fill in the application form, depends on your demand, for:
- Emergence Grant (download file)
- Agreement (download file)
Before your online submission, fill in the application form, depends on your demand, for:
NEW 2025 : PhD student must complete the file "Fellowship" and only this file.
Avant votre soumission en ligne, merci de télécharger les fichiers ci-dessous :
- Regulations (please download)
Before your online submission, fill in the application form:
- Application form (download file)
Afin de développer ses actions d’information à destination des chercheurs et cliniciens, la Fondation peut soutenir financièrement des manifestations scientifiques.
- Procédures (à télécharger, merci)
Soumission des demandes
Toute demande de soutien d’un événement scientifique doit être adressée à la Fondation par email à
The foundation France Sclérose en Plaques, supports your research through private donations from individuals, sponsors and companies. Fundraising is difficult. Therefore, the Foundation believes that it is absolutely necessary to inform our donors that their generosity has contributed significantly to the achievement of important results in multiple sclerosis research. The foundation financially supports your research because it believes in your quality as a researcher and in your scientific research potential. France Sclérose en Plaques’ objective is to continue this mission to support a growing number of research projects.
However, the increasing support of the Foundation cannot be made without the growth of France Sclérose en Plaques’ fame. For this reason, the foundation’s actions must be visible to the scientific community, the media and donors. We count on you to communicate and to cite the foundation when associated with your advances in multiple sclerosis research. As stated in the agreements established between the foundation and your research institutes , as well as in the letters of acceptance that you have signed, we remind you that you have made a commitment to quote the name of France Sclérose en Plaques Foundation, “France Sclérose en Plaques”, in all publications, oral communications and posters benefiting from France Sclérose en Plaques’ financial support. The lack of visibility of support by the foundation in your research is very damaging to our efforts to fundraise and thus continue to support your research.
Brigitte Taittinger-Jouyet (Chairman of France Sclérose en Plaques), Jean Pelletier, Laure Michel and Pierre-Olivier Couraud (President and Vice-presidents of the scientific committee of France Sclérose en Plaques).